
Undergraduate 奖学金的机会


All deadlines for 云顶集团 scholarships use Central time.

点击这里. You will be redirected to the undergraduate scholarship page.
This includes merit awards, departmental scholarships, and more.

耶鲁基金奖学金 - Will open during summer 2024 for the 24/25 year.

Outside 奖学金的机会

These scholarships are not offered or maintained by the University. 请联系 如有任何关于奖学金或网站的问题,请联系奖学金机构. 这个列表已经放在一起,以帮助学生开始他们的奖学金申请和 does not include all outside scholarship opportunities.

您必须尽快将从特拉华大学以外收到的任何奖励报告给我们的办公室 so that arrangements can be made for appropriate credit. To report outside scholarships electronically, please log in to BannerWeb 和:

  1. Click on 金融援助 box
  2. 点击奖励优惠
  3. Scroll down to find "Additional Payment Options"
  4. Click "Add/View Resource" and fill out the form

您可以通过电子方式将您的外部奖学金提交到我们的资源/附加办公室 信息选项卡. UD may have to make 改变s to your existing financial aid offer, 如果有必要的话. 然而,所有校外奖学金都在我们的经济援助系统中, it will never show on the official financial aid notification. 学生帐户服务 将能够访问的信息,以帮助您确定您欠的余额.

How to Spot 奖学金 Scams


Organizationally Funded 奖学金: 

奖学金 for High School Seniors: 

奖学金 With Varying Deadlines/Amounts Throughout The Year:

  • 2,500美元HACE的博士. Ervin "Vinny" Caraballo 奖学金 (1月. 31)西班牙裔和/或拉丁裔/a/x/e全日制本科生和研究生 遗产. 最少3人.要求GPA为0. 所有专业开放. 奖学金获得者将 be required to record a video.
  • $1,000 Changing The World 奖学金 (1月. 4):仅限STEM专业. In an essay of 500 words or less, please answer the following question as clearly and creatively as possible: 作为一名STEM专业的学生,你认为你的职业道路将如何帮助世界变得更美好 的地方?
  • $3,000 WellBefore 奖学金 (1月. 参加任何大学课程,尤其是医学、烹饪和美学 课程. 写一篇至少300字的文章,主题如下:
    The Prevalence of Incontinence in Adults
    The Creation of Disposable Gloves and Their Impact on Hygiene
    The Importance of Sanitization and Disinfection in the Work的地方
  • $1,000 The Crowder Law Firm 奖学金  (1月. 平均绩点3分.6或以上. 提交一篇关于 approximately 1000 words addressing the following 提示: How do you define the American Dream? Do you believe it is attainable today?
  • $1,000 Elite Lawyer 奖学金  (1月. 10): 有电流 GPA of at least 3.0. You must submit either a 500-word 短文或2分钟视频演示,回答以下问题: 今年你为你的社区带来了什么积极的改变? 
  • $1,000 2024 Pioneering Women 奖学金  (1月. 31): *For Women* 设定最低限度 GPA 3.0 and be in good academic standing. A well-written essay of 750 to 1,000 words 讨论你作为家里第一个上大学的女性的经历 and how that shapes your 目标, aspirations, and future. 
  • $2,000 Price Benowitz Social Justice 奖学金  (2月. 28):必须有良好的学术成绩,累积平均成绩不低于3分.0 或以上. 必须对社会正义感兴趣,正如过去和现在所证明的那样 present volunteer, professional, and 教育al experiences. A 750-word essay responding 到以下提示符: 残障人士在日常生活中会遇到哪些重大挑战 基础? 有哪些可行的公共政策可以应对这些挑战? 请随意谈论你在所爱的人身上经历或目睹的挑战 一个人的生活.
  • $1,000 Quality Comix 奖学金 Program (3月10日):写一篇关于漫画对你的影响和你对……的看法的短文 current events or the impact of comics on society.
  • $2,500 Overcoming Disability 奖学金 (3月27日):*有身体或心理残疾影响学业的学生 工作能力. 提交 a video response of 3-5 minutes 到以下提示符: 为什么你认为让残疾人获得高质量的服务很重要 教育? How do you think your disability has 影响你的生活 choices?  *视频必须作为URL提交(不是电影文件或其他附件).
  • $1,000 Maineri Law Firm Higher Education 奖学金  (Apr 3): *访问 the website for eligibility/requirements. 提交一篇不超过 500 words answering the following question: Why are you pursuing your field of study? What type of graduate degree do you plan 如何获得,以及你将如何在你追求的过程中运用你在教育中所学到的知识 future career opportunities? 
  • $2,000 Living 与 a Sense of Purpose 奖学金  (April 30): Applicants must also have maintained a 3.在校平均成绩在0分或以上. A 500- 1000字文章 在如何立法以降低或减少的问题上有深思熟虑的想法 rate of suicide 在美国.
  • $2,500 Dixie Belle Paint Company 奖学金 (6月15日): 在提交申请的同时,提交一篇关于这个主题的短文:“创造力如何 helped you in problem solving?” 1 top award winner, plus two will be awarded $1,250.
  • $2,500 Oil Field Safety Education and Policy 奖学金 (8月. 1): 写一篇至少500字的文章,详细描述他们父母的经历 油田工作,当前和未来油田的保护方法, 当前和未来油田工人及其家属的保护方法; and their plan for securing their future outside of the industry. 鼓励学生 巧妙地讲述他们的故事,并概述保护工人和家庭的详细方法 在未来. 
  • $2,000 Future of Finance Award 奖学金 (8月. 主修商务、金融、会计、数学、经济、管理 和技术. 平均绩点至少2分.0. Sumit a 1000 word essay answering the following 提示: What Do You Believe Is The Future Of The Financial World? 
  • $2,500 Community Impact 奖学金 (8月. 22): 访问 the website for requirements. 提交 a video (5 minutes or less) 或者写一篇1000字左右的文章,回答以下问题: Why is it important to volunteer 与在你的社区里? Which efforts make the biggest 社区差异? How has the time you have dedicated to community service helped you to develop your own skills and grow as an individual? 
  • $1,000 The Blossom Law Caregiver 奖学金 (8月.GPA 3分.0或更高. 提交 an original essay (approximately 500-1000 words) answering the following 提示: 成为亲人的照顾者是一种令人难以置信的服务行为,而且往往是吃力不讨好的 工作. 如果你的父母为你所爱的人提供照顾,或者你曾经是 你自己也是护理员,这段经历对你的优先顺序有什么影响 目标? How will this new perspective prepare you for the future?
  • $500 Rest Right Mattress 奖学金 (8月. 30): 访问 the website for requirements. 提交 a 700-850 word essay in response 到以下提示符: 想想你的睡眠质量,写一篇文章,谈谈你可以改善它的方法.
  • $1,000 Conquering Childhood Cancer 奖学金 (8月. 这个机会对被诊断为儿科的申请人开放 癌症以及那些与亲人一起与疾病作斗争的人. 提交 a 750 – 1,000 word essay response to the 提示: 告诉我们你作为儿童癌症幸存者的旅程或支持的经历 someone after a pediatric cancer diagnosis.
  • $1,000 First of Us 奖学金 (8月. 31): 提交 a 750-1000 word essay response to the 提示: 与我们分享一个你或你的家庭成员作为第一代如何克服困难的故事 大学生和你或你的家人在这条路上学到的教训. 
  • $1,000 Safety on the Road 奖学金 (8月. 31): 访问 the website for eligibility / requirements. 提交一篇论文 讨论你对改善道路安全的想法,以及你的建议可能产生的结果 改变.
  • $1,000 Who Inspires You 奖学金 (8月. *平均成绩不低于3分.0或更高 and be in good overall academic standing. Write an essay of 500-1,000 words discussing who has inspired you to be the person you are now or are becoming. 他们有什么? done or continue to do, and how has that impacted your life?
  • $1,000 Fighting to End Drunk Driving 奖学金 (9月. 1): Applicants must also have a 3.平均绩点0或更高. Write a 500-750 word article 与 促进创新和有效的教育、立法和执法的周到想法 项目 to prevent drunk driving.
  • $1,000 Striving Solo Parent 奖学金 (9月. 21): You are a permanent resident or citizen of the United States. 最低 平均绩点3分.0 in your most recently completed 学术学期. 提交 通过回答以下提示之一,写一篇不超过1500字的文章: 作为一个单亲妈妈,你认为追求高等教育的最大好处是什么 教育 at this time in your life? Before beginning your academic journey, what 你考虑过风险吗?你认为最艰巨的挑战是什么? How do you plan to address and overcome those factors? 或者你的经历如何 as a single parent inspired you to pursue a higher 教育? 你希望怎样 teach your child(ren) as you go through this experience? 如何进一步获得 教育 benefit you and your family?
  • $2,500 Goostree Law Group Bright Futures 奖学金  (9月. 你需要家庭年收入的经济援助 不到7.5万美元. 你得了3分.0 GPA or higher in your most recently completed 学术学期. 您的应用程序 must include a high-quality essay, answering the following prompt in 500-1000 words: 说说你自己吧. Please describe how you have demonstrated these three characteristics 在你的学术或个人生活中:领导力、决心和激情. 
  • $1,000 Animal Rescue 奖学金 (9月. 30): 访问 the website for eligibility / requirements. 提交一篇750字的文章 (12号,首选Times New Roman字体),并回答以下提示: 讨论你与救援动物或动物志愿者组织的关系 how it has impacted your life. How do you dedicate your time to helping animals and animal rescue organizations?
  • $500 Book Lovers 奖学金 (9月. 30): 提交 a 250-400 word essay 到以下提示符: 如果你能让世界上的每个人都读一本书,那本书会是什么 为什么?
  • $1,000 2023 Empowering Immigrants 奖学金 (9月. 30): 访问 the website for eligibility / requirements. 提交一篇关于 750-1000 words 到以下提示符: 分享你或你的家人的移民故事,你克服了什么困难,以及如何克服 this story pushes you towards your 教育al 目标.
  • $1,000 First Responders 奖学金 (9月. 30): 访问 the website for eligibility / requirements. Write an essay of 500-1,000 讨论急救人员在当今社会中的作用以及他们的作用 contribute to public safety. 作为急救人员,或者作为一个家庭,你对急救人员有什么经验 member of a first responder shaped your life? What can be done to assist the difficult 急救人员的工作?
  • $2,000 2023 Boyk Law Veteran 奖学金 (11月. 申请人曾在美国陆军、海军、海军陆战队、空军服役 陆军、海岸警卫队或预备役或退伍军人的孩子或继子女. 提交 一篇750- 1000字的文章,针对至少两个以下问题: 1. 告诉我们你的故事. What is driving you to go to college, and what would you like to do 与 your degree? 2. How has being a Veteran or the child of a Veteran 影响你的生活? 3. If you could advise someone joining the Armed Forces or other children of Veterans, what would that advice be?
  • 2000美元阿尔弗德 & Clark Injury Attorneys Students in Need 奖学金 (11月. 21):需要经济援助和家庭年收入的学生 5万美元以下,符合以下条件:学生对职业有兴趣 攻读法律预科或人文学科学位(如政府、哲学、 或英语),学生是美国公民或永久居民. 所有申请还必须包括1至2分钟的视频提交 answering the following question: 假设你已经大学毕业,开始了你在法律领域的职业生涯. How will you use your skills to help others who are in need? 
  • $1,000 Law 办公室 of Jae Lee Immigrant Student 奖学金 (11月. 该学生必须是第一代或第二代移民 在美国. The student’s family must be considered to be low-income, 与 an annual household income of less than $50,000. GPA必须达到3分.0或更高. 您的申请还必须包括书面论文或视频提交描述 你家人的移民故事,讨论是什么让你与众不同. 写 文章可以长达500字,视频文章可以长达五分钟. 你的 essay should answer the following 问题: Where did your family immigrate to the U.S. from, and how did they establish 他们selves 在乡下? What experiences have shaped your life and made you who you are today? What makes you unique or different from others? What are your 目标 after you receive 你的大学学历? What profession do you want to pursue? 你的个人爱好是什么? 目标?
  • $1,000 Clark Law Group 奖学金  (11月. 29): 设定最低限度 GPA 3.0 and are a child of a current or former military 服务会员.  提交一篇论文 (500-1000 words) that answers the following 提示: 你打算如何用你的高等教育和未来的职业为公众服务? 
  • $1,000 Overcoming Adversity 奖学金 2023  (11月. 30): 该奖学金的获得者将证明,尽管他们遇到过 在艰难困苦中,他们坚持不懈,致力于取得成功 他们所有的努力. Must have a good academic standing by holding 平均绩点3分.0或更高. 提交一篇论文 500-1000个单词 描述你是如何克服逆境的,列出一个具体的障碍 you fought and emerged victoriously.
  • $1,000 Pontius Tax Law, PLLC (11月. 申请人曾在美国陆军、海军、海军陆战队、空军、 海岸警卫队,或者预备役或者是某人的孩子或者继子女. 设定最低限度 GPA 3.0或更高 and be in good overall academic standing. 候选人必须 submit a 750-1,000 word essay response to the 提示: How can we better support Veterans in our community? Please provide specific examples.
  • $1,000 Aaron Wersing 就业 Discrimination 奖学金 Contest (12月. 1):目前在学院、职业学校、大学或其他学校就读的学生 law school as of the start of the fall 2023 semester. Write a 500-word essay about 什么是就业歧视法,如何降低就业歧视率 和减轻.
  • $1,000 2023 Rise Above 奖学金  (12月.1): 设定最低限度 GPA 3.0或更高 and be in good overall academic standing. Must submit a 500-750 word essay response to the 提示: 分享一次你觉得自己被员工利用的经历, 实习生或小组成员. How did this experience affect your professional relationships 涉及到的人? Has your experience helped you look for future or current employment 红旗? 一个消极的、专业的情况是如何变成积极的呢 in the long run, and how did you learn from it?
  • $1,000 约翰F. 芮,P.C. 奖学金 (12月 2): Complete an essay on a choice of several topics related to law, attorney, or service to society. 
  • $1,000 James Kennedy Law One Tough Student 奖学金  (12月. 4): You or a family member was injured by a drunk driver. 你需要 经济援助,家庭年收入低于7.5万美元. 您的应用程序 应该包括一页(大约500字)的文章,以回应以下问题 提示: How can drunk driving accidents be reduced at a societal level? 你能采取哪些步骤? take to prevent drunk driving 在你的社区里?
  • $1,000 The Behan Law Group Military Veteran 奖学金 (12月. 你是美国人.S. military Veteran, a current 服务会员 in the U.S. 军事、 or the child of a Veteran or current 服务会员. 你的 current cumulative GPA is 至少2个.5. 提交一篇关于 500 to 1,000 words on the following topic: 你作为退伍军人或退伍军人的孩子的经历对你的学业有什么影响 职业目标?  How do you plan to use your 教育 to make a positive impact 在你的社区里?
  • $1,000 Schwartz Injury Law Perseverance 奖学金  (12月. 6): Students must have a minimum cumulative GPA 3.0. 必须包含原件 essay of 500-1000 words addressing the following 提示: 讨论你遭受的人身伤害或医疗问题,以及你是如何克服的 the challenges of this experience. How has this experience prepared you for the challenges of higher 教育 and your future career?
  • $2,000 AI Innovators Undergraduate 奖学金  (12月. 15): Students pursuing Computer Science. 提交一篇关于 500 words to the 以下提示:
    1. 写一篇个人陈述,讨论你对人工智能的兴趣,过去的经历(学术) or otherwise) 与 AI, and post-graduation aspirations.
    2. 提交一个与人工智能相关的项目或研究的描述, 包括解决的问题、使用的人工智能技术、过程和结果, and the impact of the project.
  • $1,000 Fob James Law Firm Annual 奖学金 Contest (12月. 我们要求学生就以下内容写一篇150-300字的文章: 描述你克服的一个障碍,以及这个经历如何展示了你的性格 或者帮助塑造它.
  • $1,000 Clean Energy Experts 奖学金  (12月. 20):必须是以下任何一门专业的学生/在校生 program, major in environmental sciences, or other related studies. 写一篇300字的文章 essay on any topic below of your choice: The potential for solar energy to mitigate climate 改变. The challenges and limitations of the widespread adoption of solar energy. The cost-effectiveness of solar energy compared to traditional fossil fuels. 
  • $1,000 Hoggatt Injury Law Children of Injured Workers 奖学金 (12月. 20): 你的 parent has been affected by a work-related injury. 有电流 cumulative GPA of 至少2个.5. Must include an essay of between 500 and 1,000 words 根据提示: 你的学术和职业目标是什么?这项奖学金将如何帮助你实现 他们? In what ways have your parents inspired you to further your 教育? 
  • $1,000 Ramage Law Group Adopted Child 奖学金  (12月. GPA必须在3分以上.0或更高 as of their last completed 学术学期. Must have been legally adopted by one or both of their parents. 申请人将 还需要提交一篇长达800字的文章,回答以下问题 问题: What challenges have you faced as an adopted child? How have your relationships 与 your parents and other family members influenced your outlook on life? 你最近怎么样? experience affected your plans and 目标 for your 教育 and career?
  • $1,000 Education Accessibility 奖学金 (12月. 做你家里第一个上四年制大学的人,而且要有最低的学费 3.平均绩点或以上. Write a 750-word essay discussing 你认为美国的公共教育系统可以为学生做更多的事情吗 to be able to attend a higher 教育 institution. 
  • $1,000 Gideon Asen Perseverance 奖学金 (12月. 31): Must have experienced a birth/childhood injury. 奖学金是开放的 to any current or incoming college student. Candidates for this scholarship must have 平均绩点3分.0或更高的4.0规模. A 750-1,000 word essay response to the following 提示: 谈谈你是如何坚持面对出生/童年带来的挑战的 injury to pursue higher 教育. 

奖学金 搜索 Engines: